4 thoughts on “Sunday Service 05/17/20”

  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! [for expounding and explaining God’s word to all of us; for being our Pastor].
    God bless you and keep you (and your family). 🙂

    1. Oh yes,, Duane. Thank you Sir. Your music is wonderful, well played, and well sung. You keep us all in tune- (spiritually and on the right path). God bless you richly! 🙂

  2. Thank you, Pastor and Duane! I so appreciate and look forward to God’s music & Word expressed every Sunday!! I remain saddened that our governing body will not allow us to meet in fellowship and I look forward to the day when we will. I pray you & Becky, especially as nurse, remain healthy. You are loved! Hymn 834 and the Postlude by Paul Manz is very familiar to me. We sang it frequently at St John’s. Paul Manz was the music & choir director at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in South Mpls in the late 60s, early 70’s. I lived on 26th Street & Pillsbury Ave back then and used to walk each Sunday down Lake Street to Chicago & 31st. Even though it was 30 years ago, in retrospect, it was probably not such a good thing to do. I was a country bumpkin, very naive. God was watching over me….:). Back then, Mt. Olive was MO Synod. Jon & I were married there. As congregational members, we were in the midst of the evangelical movement. I remember the congregation being given a vote whether to remain MO or switch to ELCA…..and the rest is history. That was one of the last services we attended there. How things have changed….God Bless

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