Portals of Prayer Available

If you use portals of prayer, you might have probably noticed that at the end of March, you’re going to need a new one. We have them here at the church. Starting Wednesday, March 25 we will have a little table in the vestibule. The door will be open from 8:00 AM to NOON each day until they are gone. (one per household please!) Pop in, grab one, sanitize and go! We will smile, wave and make faces at you from the inside!

Portals of Prayer is also available online by subscription for $10 a year, for those who who prefer to use their phones. http://www1.cph.org/portals/default.aspx

Private devotions and family devotions set your day on the right footing. The word of God does that because it’s living and active (Hebrews 4:12) When you do regular devotions, you will find that the Word you read will influence some of your choices as well as make a running commentary on what you are experiencing in your day to day life. I cannot tell you, how many times one of our church members will excitedly remark “I just read a verse that talks about this in Portals of prayer!” They feel like God is actively talking to them, and he is! Of course, in order for this to happen you need to be in the Word. So find way to be in the word! Portals of prayer is one way, Cracking open your bible and reading a chapter each day is another. Try the Gospel of John.

Welcome Friends!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the church would not be able to come together for worship! It seems both strange and wrong to me. For a time, the thought of it was breaking my heart because preaching is what I do. It’s what I love to do. What I was created and called by God to do. My life is built around the rhythm of Sunday Sermons. The studying of the Word, the pondering of the Word, the writing of the Word; then the preaching of the word. I feel empty for not doing it. I take this very personally!

Thus, the creation of this blog. I still get to do all the stuff I normally do, but for the duration of this virus, I’m going to be doing it looking through the lens of a camera. I hope this work turns out to be a blessing for you and yours. I take heart in God’s promise that his Word will carry out the purpose for which he sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)

Pastor Trask